If you are trying to make money online, it is important to have keywords that are precise. The more specific your keywords are, the more people will find your website or blog. This post will give you 8 keywords that you likely haven’t thought of before. While these keywords might not be as popular, they are still potentially profitable for you.

#1 “how to”

It’s not surprising that people are always googling “how to” questions. Whether they are looking for how to cook something, how to change a tire, or even how to do their taxes, people want information on how to do things. With this keyword, you could create guides on different topics and have them easily found by those who are looking for them.

#2 “best”

If you want to sell something that is the best, then “best” is a great keyword for your content. This word can be used as both a noun and an adjective. For example, if you wanted to advertise your cooking blog, you could use phrases like:

  • The best recipes for Thanksgiving!
  • Putting together the best gift baskets
  • The best kitchen gadgets for Christmas gifts

#3 “free”

Free is a very popular keyword in the world of digital marketing. It’s used in many different ways.

For example, this keyword could be used in the following ways:

  • An offer for something that costs nothing
  • The word free when it appears on your website (i.e., “free consultation”)
  • The word free when it appears on your Facebook page (i.e., “we are giving away ____”)
  • A blog post with “free” in the title
  • A blog post with keywords like “free download” or “free exclusive bonus”

All of these are opportunities to use the keyword “free.” This is why it’s important to think about the way you’re using this keyword and how you can extend its use. For instance, if your business offers free consultations, you might want to have the word “free” on your website or Facebook page so people know they can come in for a free chat!

#4 “reviews”

One keyword you might not have thought of is “reviews”. Reviews are a great way for people to find product information, and they can also be a great way for them to find your product. It is free and simple to set up a Google or Facebook review page. 

You do this by creating a page on your website that will house all of your reviews.  This way, when people search for reviews, yours will come up as one of the top results. As long as you have quality reviews with pictures and videos, this will be an effective way to make money from those searches.

#5 “work at home”

Do you want to work from home and make extra money? If so, it is important to use the keyword “work at home” in your search engine optimization (SEO) campaign. By using the keyword “work at home” you will be able to find more people who are interested in working from home. 

It’s important to start an SEO campaign if you want your blog or website to rank higher on Google. When people type “work at home” into Google, it will show up as one of the first sites they see. This way, people looking for work-at-home jobs are finding your site by typing in that specific keyword.

#6 “movies”

This keyword is an easy way to get the attention of people who are interested in movies. This includes film buffs, movie-lovers, and more. If you are a blogger who reviews films, using this keyword will lead to more traffic on your blog. Or if you have a website that sells DVDs or other movie paraphernalia, this keyword will be valuable to you.

#7 “gifts”

If you are an online retailer of gifts, this is a great keyword for you. Prospects are constantly searching the internet for gifts.  With this keyword, you can market your products to people who are looking for gifts that they know they’ll love. This will also help with promoting your website or blog on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

#8 “car rental”

The keyword “car rental” is a great keyword to use because it usually has a higher cost per click. The exact amount varies, but most people pay around $0.19 per click for this specific keyword.

The reason that “car rental” is such a popular word is because people are looking for car rentals all the time. When you can find keywords with a high return rate, it will make your business more profitable.

Why SEO keywords are important?

The first reason why SEO keywords are important is that they can help you earn more money. If you are trying to rank your website or blog on internet search engines like Google, then precise keywords will help you get there. The more specific your keywords are, the easier it will be for people to find your site. 

Another reason why SEO keywords are important is that they help you keep track of what people are searching for. You can use these precise keywords to create content that people want to read about. When you write posts based on the needs of your audience, they will be more likely to share them with their friends and family members who might also need the information.


Keywords are the word or phrases that people type into the search engine to find information about a particular subject or topic. There are many ways to find good keywords for your content. The best way is to use a keyword tool. There are many of these online, but we recommend Keyword Eye. 

Keyword Eye is a great way to generate new ideas for your content because you can see what words are popular in your niche, which ones have high search volume, and which ones have low competition. This way you can focus on the keywords that are most likely to help you rank for your desired keywords.

A tip for using keywords is to use them naturally in your content. We recommend making sure you have at least one keyword in the title of your content, two in the first paragraph, and one in the first sentence of each paragraph after that. This will help you rank well on search engine results pages.

So now that you know how to make money with keywords, it’s time to make some!

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