Technology has become an integral part of the modern workplace. And today, every small business needs to have a digital presence. But choosing new technologies can be confusing and time-consuming. So it’s important to do some research before you make a decision.

 With so many options available, it can be hard to know which one is right for your business. Here are some things to consider when making your choice, as well as seven common mistakes small businesses often make when looking for new tech investments.

How Technology Has Changed the Workplace

Today, technology is an integral part of the modern workplace. But it’s also important for small businesses to have a digital presence.

Fortunately, there are plenty of options available for marketing your business digitally.

You can start with basic social media like Facebook or Twitter, but as you grow your business, you may want to invest in more advanced technologies like email marketing or website analytics.

No matter which software you choose, it’s important to do some research before investing in anything! You don’t want to make a hasty decision and end up regretting it later on. There are many things to consider before making a technological decision for your business.

What Small Businesses Need to Know About Technology?

The first step in selecting the right technology for your small business is understanding your needs. You need to know what you want to do with the technology, how much you can afford to spend, and who will be using it. You also need to have some technical knowledge about the process so you can ask important questions about setup and maintenance.

Many small businesses don’t have an IT person on staff or even a dedicated tech person, which means they need to carefully consider their options before making purchases. There are many different kinds of technology out there that can help your business grow, and while they all offer different features and benefits there are a few common mistakes small businesses often make when choosing technologies:

– Trying to do everything themselves: With so many options available, it’s easy for small businesses owners who aren’t technically savvy to try and handle it on their own. But seeking professional help could save time and money in the long run because these professionals know what they’re doing.

– Not being aware of any hidden costs: The upfront cost might seem manageable but not knowing about all the other costs involved makes this mistake one of the most common. That’s why finding a vendor with affordable licensing is important for those who don’t have software engineers on staff.

– Ignoring security concerns: A significant problem with current digital technologies is that they can often be easily hacked if not properly secured. That’s why it’s important to ask about the security features of any technology you’re considering.

– Buying too much or too little: Selecting the right technology for your business is tricky, and sometimes small businesses can make the mistake of buying either too much or too little. It’s important to find a happy medium that meets your needs without breaking the bank.

Not Creating a Detailed IT Strategy

IT can be a difficult field to navigate, especially if you don’t know where to start. The first thing you need to do is create a detailed IT strategy. This will help you make the right choices when it comes to buying new technology for your business.

Purchasing the Wrong Type of IT

One of the most common mistakes small businesses make is purchasing the wrong type of IT. You should do research to find out what kind of technology your company needs. For example, if you have employees and customers who go outside for work or travel, you may need a mobile device that can access your data securely.

Not Going Far Enough with Technology

You might be tempted to stop once you’ve chosen the simplest possible solution.

If your business is a social media-based company, for example, you might rely on free platforms like Facebook and Twitter to build your brand. But this isn’t enough. If you want people to discover your company and what it has to offer, you need an effective digital marketing strategy that incorporates many different methods.

Not Being Specific in Your Needs and Wants

Choosing the right technology for your business can be a daunting task. The more you know about your needs and wants, the easier it will be to find the best technology for you.

For example, if you’re looking for a new email marketing software, knowing your budget and how many subscribers you currently have will help determine which program is most appropriate for you. But don’t just think about what you need—think about what you want as well. 

If there are features that are important to you, such as how much customization the product offers or if it’s easy to use, make sure those features are front and center when searching for a good match.

You Didn’t Do Your Research

The process of choosing the right technology for your small business can be difficult. With so many options to choose from, it’s easy to make a mistake along the way. One common mistake is not doing your research.

You should take your time during this process to research different types of technology and then compare them to each other. Do some research on how often you’ll be using the tech and what features are most important to you in order to find the best fit for you and your business.

Another common mistake is waiting too long before making a decision. Sometimes people think they don’t need anything new when their current equipment is just fine, but that could be a costly mistake in the long run. Waiting too long can mean missing out on new innovations and opportunities that could have greatly helped your business if they were available at the time you made your purchase decision.

Another common mistake is buying technology without taking into account how it will integrate with other devices, systems, or software technologies in place within your organization. This may mean that what you thought would work for your business now doesn’t – because it won’t work properly with all other systems needed by your employees and stakeholders.

If you’re not sure about which technology is right for you, it’s best to speak with an expert who specializes in small businesses needs. You’ll have access to someone who has experience with a variety of technologies and can help guide you towards the right choice for your company as well as provide helpful advice for the future.

When it comes to technology, small businesses often make one of two mistakes: not going far enough with technology or purchasing the wrong type of IT.


Making the wrong technology choices for your small business can have a negative impact on your company’s bottom line. In this article, we’ve outlined the seven most common mistakes made when choosing technology. To avoid these pitfalls, it’s important to partner with a trusted technology advisor who understands your unique needs and can help you make the best choices for your business.

If you’re looking for help choosing the right technology for your small business, contact us today. We’d be happy to help!

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